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Ms. Indispensable

Fashion designer Tabitha (Dorcas) was a brief mention in the Bible (Acts 9:36-43) but she was a beloved leader in the world of charitable fashion. When she died, she was deemed so indispensable that her friends and neighbors demanded she be brought back to life. What a testimony.
Are you missed when you're gone? Tabitha was, and she got that way by being "full of good works and acts of charity" per today's Bible text. 
Doing indispensable good entails:
  • Being a keen observer and listener, to decipher the true needs of those around you. 
  • Harnessing the insight that empathy affords us, like Tabitha did for her fellow single ladies (widows). Modern day example: Sara Blakely and her Spanx story.
  • Excellence even in the little things: Tabitha was making high quality clothes even though she wasn't going to make money off them. "Anyone that can be trusted in little matters can also be trusted in important matters" (Luke 16:10).
Be indispensable by doing indispensable good to others.
